Friday, February 09, 2007

Supporting democracy... when it suits us

Here's a brilliant piece on Google video, from 1987: The Secret Government, by Bill Moyers. It's incredibly illuminating and still relevant today (if not MORE relevant). Moyer's conclusion:
"This remains for me the heart of the matter: the men who wrote our constitution, our basic book of rules, were concerned that power be held accountable. No part of government, and no person in government, not even the president, was to pick or choose among the laws to be obeyed. But how does one branch of government blow the whistle on another, or how do the people cry "foul" when their liberties are imperiled, if public officials can break the rules, lie to us about it, and then wave the wand of National Security to silence us? Can it happen again? You bet it can."
It's only 22 minutes long, and available for download.

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